Breaching the warped core

25 08 2009

Never a big fan of sit-ups and lower body crunches, I also know I’ll never be skinny enough to have a six-pack, so I have not spent a great deal of exercise effort on abs and the like.  And anybody who’s read this journal knows I tend to skimp on the stuff I don’t really care for.  However, I’ve been reading so much lately about the value of corework in running as well as athletics in general that I decided to turn over a new leaf.  I was looking for a quick and simple program that would give me the most benefit in a short time.  Of course, I turned to my favorite website: and found what seemed to be an fairly easy routine that would produce great results.   I thought “well, if it works for Lolo Jones, I’d better try it” because she is not only an Olympic hurdler but she has a great body.

So I printed it out from the Runner’s World website:,7120,s6-238-263-266-13030-0,00.html and then got down on the floor thinking I would breeze right through it.  WRONG!  Wow.  It was much tougher than it looks.  At least for fat old me, anyway.  I’m going to stick with it though and see what it does for me.  As tough as it is, it can only help.

Yesterday’s workout was a 3.5 mile run through the hilly woods near my home.  Today is a long bike ride and Lolo’s core routine.

More tomorrow….